Livestock Exhibitors

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There is 3 main reasons why farmers choose to bring their animals to an agricultural show

1. Industry Awareness. Agricultural shows may be the only place that consumers will see a “live” cow, sheep, goat or in fact any form of livestock up close. We get to “ag-vocate” for our industries, answer questions and tell our story to the community. As farmers, we believe we have a responsibility to educate others on how safe and nutritious our products are for you.

2. Livestock Promotion. Farmers who breed registered stock use agricultural shows to showcase their best animals and genetics. A prized animal and her progeny will gain additional value and reputation from winning at an agricultural show.

3. Networking. Sometimes, agricultural shows are the only opportunities we have to leave the farm, becoming our version of a family holiday. This is also a time to visit with our friends who also exhibit and network with other individuals in the livestock field, sharing ideas and learning experiences that benefit all involved. For our holiday, we choose to exhibit livestock instead of going to the beach for a week.