We look forward to welcoming you to Agriplex on 30th September or 1st October. We are committed to providing a safe event for all patrons, exhibitors and event staff and our contractors.
Regular PA announcements, signage and ground markers will all be in place to ensure everybody remains safe.
We encourage patrons to purchase tickets online prior to presenting at our entry gate to minimize queuing at this point.
Our Advice to you:
Social Distancing
Remember to keep 1.5 metres between yourselves and other people.
Stay home if unwell
If you are feeling unwell please do not attend.
Keep your hands clean
Wash and satitise your hands at every oppourtunity .
Wear a mask
Masks are not essensial although we reccomend you wear one.
We encourage you to keep up to date and stay informed about the latest COVID information on the Tasmanian coronavirus website